October 24 – Monthly Theme

Community Economic and Development Month 30 September–October 6 — Rotary Alumni Reconnect Week 24 October — World Polio Day

November 24 – Monthly Theme

Rotary Foundation Month 4–10 November — World Interact Week 23 Nov - Purple Party in support of Say No to DV campaign Click here for more details

Jan 25 is Vocational Service Month

"Of all the hundred and one ways in which men can make themselves useful to society, undoubtedly the most available and often the most effective are within the spheres of their own occupations." Paul P Harris Take Action: Engage Rotary, Change Lives

Feb 25 for Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month

World Understanding / Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month "Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict -- alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence." Dorothy Thompson Take Action: Engage Rotary, Change Lives 9-13 February — International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA 23 February — Rotary's […]

March 25 for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month Clean water...... is a basic need for human beings. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, they live healthier and more productive lives." Take Action: Join a Project 10-16 March — World Rotaract Week 31 March — Preregistration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention

April 25 for Maternal and Child Health Month

Maternal & Child Health / Environmental Month “What is the value of the life of one child saved? No one will ever know, but if the child were our own, the price tag would be marked: Not for sale - this life is invaluable." 1979-80 James L. Bomar Jr Take Action: Join a Project 30 […]

May 25 for Youth Service Month

New Generation - Youth Service Month If you really want to change the world you have to inspire young people. That's how you change the world." Joe Rogan Take Action: Engage Rotary, Change Lives

June 25 for Rotary Fellowships Month

Rotary Fellowships Month “What binds Rotarians together is a unity of desire and a unity of purpose to serve society and to serve mankind...a unity in diversity." Past RI President C.P.H. Teenstra 1965-66 Take Action: rotaryfellowships@rotary.org 21-25 June — Rotary International Convention, Calgary, Canada 30 June — Club Excellence Award nominations are due

July 25 for New Leadership Month

Twin Towns, Back Lounge, 1st on Wharf - Wharf St, Tweed Heads, NSW Wharf Street, Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia

True leaders don't create followers, they create new leaders.

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